Issue 655 – Verse of the Week

July 11th – July 17th, 2024


Having been freed from sin, [you] have become slaves of righteousness. – Romans 6:18

Becoming Righteous

You may recall the story told in Genesis 18-19 when God was preparing to judge Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham asked the Lord if He would spare the towns for the sake of fifty righteous people, and then bargained Him down to forty-five, then thirty, then ten, but they were not to be found—those cities were that evil. What does it mean to be righteous? Romans 3:9-12 states that you cannot achieve it on your own. Isaiah 64:6-9 says your own attempts at producing righteousness are disgusting in the eyes of God. Righteousness is something that can only be imputed upon you when you become one with Christ Jesus and place your trust in the atoning work He accomplished at the cross (Philippians 1:11). Being a “slave to righteousness,” as today’s verse says, means that your will is now yielded to God’s, that you are now reliant upon Him moment by moment and day by day. You belong to God. Take time to immerse yourself in His Word, spend time with God in prayer, and let His righteousness shine through you.

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